Squandered Leadership

May 11, 2014 Series: The Old Testament

Passage: 1 Kings 12:1-5, 7, 15


Where have you experienced pain from bad leadership… or caused it?


What is it like to be in trouble, crying out for help, but no one hears you? Read 1 Kings 12:1-5, 7, & 15. The people of Israel cried out to their leaders for mercy. Where have you been in a similar position? But clearly King Rehoboam did not listen to his people and their needs. Read Psalm 55:16-19. How is that contrary to our design in God’s likeness?

With regard to people under your care, how attentive are you to their needs?


What is the impact of an arrogant person in power? How has sin forced a shift – so that the focus is not on what we deliver to others, but on what others deliver to us? Read 1 Kings 13:6-11. Imagine being Solomon’s son, and being known by his wise and godly counselors. How radical of a move would it be then to ignore them and listen to your fraternity brothers instead of them? If v. 10 is a euphemism – like locker room boasting – what does that reveal about Rehoboam’s character?

Read Matthew 20:25-28. How self-inflated are you? What habits do you have that feed your sense of self-importance vs. habits that cultivate humility? How have you lived as if others should deliver good to you but you’re not obligated to deliver good to anyone else? Confess your pride and selfishness to Jesus, begging Him to forgive you and transform your heart.


What are the consequences of squandered leadership? What’s at stake? Read 1 Kings 12:16-18. For all of his boasting, Rehoboam ran for his life. How have you been in a similar situation after you were boastful? What happened to God’s people because of their king’s failure? Where have you seen people split apart because of arrogance of a refusal to listen?

By contrast read Matthew 11:28-30. Jesus 1) hears His our cry for mercy, 2) heeds His Father. And most radically, 3) He chose humiliation and gave up His life willingly to save rebels like us. A core principle that Jesus teaches us is that if we insist on keeping our rule,our life, that we will lose it. But if we lay it down for Him (entrust it to Him) then we’ll find it – only He offers life that can’t be lost.

So how do you need for Jesus to work in your life to redeem you as a leader?


  1. Worship the LORD, our good and perfect King. Praise Him, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for His integrity (He perfectly embodies all His own commands) and compassion (He hears our cries for mercy).
  2. How have you lived as if others should deliver good to you but you’re not obligated to deliver good to anyone else? Confess your pride and selfishness to Jesus, begging Him to forgive you and transform your heart.
  3. Give thanks to Jesus for the beauty of His rule as the One true King! Thank Him for answering you when you cry for mercy, and for His heart to choose humiliation on the Cross to save you from the shame of your rebellion.
  4. Who do you know that is self-inflated (and how are you like them)? Pray for them and yourself, asking the Lord for help to find your way to true humility.
  5. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to be more attentive to others, especially to what they need. Pray for grace to help you repent of habits that feed your sense of self-importance vs. habits that cultivate humility.

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